
2023年3月1日 1933点热度
  • 1、重要:仅对【私有生产类】的文件,做1:N灾备方案。
  • 2、普通:对于【非自产的、可通过互联网获取】的文件,不做1:1备份,只生成目录索引——旨在发生无可挽回的数据灾难后,可以通过当初的目录索引作为线索回忆:
    • 如:影视 清单
    • 如:漫画本 清单
    • 如:Program Files 文件夹 清单
    • 如:软件、游戏安装包 清单
  • 生成硬盘文件索引
  • 生成文件、目录索引;
  • 生成文件、目录列表;
  • 生成树形目录
  • (文件夹/目录)可折叠方式浏览【此项必须,否则索引单页太长,阅读极为困难】
  • 可以导出html格式(美观)
  • 支持命令行调用(计划任务自动执行
  • 演示:https://www.rlvision.com/snap2html/example.html
  • 官网:https://www.rlvision.com/snap2html/
  • GitHub:https://github.com/rlv-dan/Snap2HTML
# cmd命令:
"D:\Program\File\文件索引 - Snap2HTML\Snap2HTML.exe" -path:"D:\Download"  -outfile:"D:\Download\out.html"  -hidden
# bat命令:
echo off

start cmd /k ""D:\Program\File\文件索引 - Snap2HTML\Snap2HTML.exe" -path:"D:\"  -outfile:"D:\Download\Z7M-D.html"  -hidden"

start cmd /k ""D:\Program\File\文件索引 - Snap2HTML\Snap2HTML.exe" -path:"Q:\"  -outfile:"D:\Download\Z7M-Q.html" -hidden"
# cmd命令详细说明:
 --- Command Line -------------------------------------------------------------

  You can automate Snap2HTML by starting it from the command line with the 
  following options:

  Simple:   Snap2HTMl.exe "c:\path\to\root\folder"
              Starts the program with the given root path already set

  Full:     Snap2HTMl.exe -path:"root folder path" -outfile:"filename"
                          [-link:"link to path"] [-title:"page title"] 
						  [-hidden] [-system] [-silent]

              -path:"root folder path"   - The root path to load.
                                           Example: -path:"c:\temp"
              -outfile:"filename"        - The filename to save the snapshot as.
                                           Don't forget the html extension!
                                           Example: -outfile:"c:\temp\out.html"

              -link:"link to path"       - The path to link files to.
                                           Example: -link:"c:\temp"
              -title:"page title"        - Set the page title. If omitted, title 
                                           is generated based on path.
              -hidden                    - Include hidden items

              -system                    - Include system items

			  -silent                    - Run without showing the window (only
                                           if both -path and -outfile are used)

  Notes:    When both -path and -outfile are specified, the program will 
            automatically start generating the snapshot, and quit when done.

            Always surround paths and filenames with quotes ("")!
            In silent mode, in case or error the program will just quit 
            without telling why.

            Do not include the [square brackets] when you write your command 
            line. (Square brackets signify optional command line parameters)

